Baja SAE is an intercollegiate design competition run by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Teams of students from universities all over the world design and build small off-road cars.

The Baja SAE Competition originated at the University of South Carolina in 1976, under the supervision of Dr. J. F. Stevens. Since that time, the competition has grown to become a premier engineering design series for university teams.Each year as many as 141 Baja cars are entered in the Baja SAE events across the US and around the world where events are held including India, South Africa, Brazil and S. Korea.

Each and every car is subjected to a thorough scrutiny in static events to check for road worthiness, before they are allowed to partcipate in the Dynamic events and the Endurance races.

Read bajasae india rules

Read bajasae international rules



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Baja SAE IIT Delhi: Team Avalanche started off in 2004. In 2006, the team first struck gold in South Africa by taking the second position in the servicability event as well as the second rank amongst all Asian teams. Ever since then there was no looking back and the team kept going from one strength to the other.In 2012, the team was renamed Baja SAE IIT Delhi:Team Xpeeds to reflect the ever-dynamic spirit of the team and the event. Baja IIT Delhi has always attracted members from various diverse engineering disciplines.

We have always strived to excel in all the fields we take part in. The diverse nature of the team and its members ensures a very broad perspective for all our work. It has always been the team's priority to foster a spirit of camraderie amongst the team-mates. This has enabled us to weather all storms Baja SAE IIT Delhi has ever found itself in.